Sunday, January 27, 2019

Asbestos REMOVAL COST | Asbestos Abatement | Asbestos: Asbestos REMOVAL IN OTTAWA | Asbestos Abatement | ...

Asbestos REMOVAL IN OTTAWA | Asbestos Abatement | Asbestos: Asbestos REMOVAL IN OTTAWA | Asbestos Abatement | ...: Asbestos REMOVAL IN OTTAWA | Asbestos Abatement | Asbestos: Asbestos testing Ottawa - ASBESTOS REMOVAL COST ?

1 comment:

AsbestosRemoval1 said...

#Asbestos Removal Cost | Asbestos removal costs vary depending on the extent of the work to be done. Many contractors have a minimum fee of $1,500 to $3,000, no matter how small the job is. Complete removal in a 1,500-square-foot home with asbestos everywhere—walls, floors, ceilings, attic, roof, pipes—could be as high as $20,000 to $30,000.